Archive for March, 2010

It’s hard to believe, but just today, I saw multiple articles about sites converting to HTML5 for the Apple iPad launch. It’s hard to believe that a device could have such an impact on the Internet. Last week it was the announcement that they were testing an iPad version of the site to run their videos in HTML5. This week it looks like The New York Times and Time Inc. are preparing their sites to use HTML5 in preparation for April 3rd’s iPad launch. Rumors have it that NPR and Wall Street Journal iPad sites are also in the works, using HTML5.

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If you find that you scour the Internet for news just so you can comment on it and then email it to all your friends, you may have Foot in Mouth Syndrome. If you receive emails stating that you must forward it to 20 of your friends, and you do… you may have Foot in Mouth Syndrome. Many people are getting Foot in Mouth Syndrome and don’t even know it. Are you one of them. Seek out help now! Hopefully I can point out some things, to watch out for, that will help you protect yourself.

I always tell people to not believe everything they get from the Internet or by email. They soon forget what I even told them. Case in point – I just received an email from someone who was upset with our President over things he said about the military. He supposedly said that the recruits needed to pay for their own healthcare, because they knew what they were getting into when they signed up. They should not burden the country for their medical costs when they get injured in war. (That’s a very brief version of what was sent) I quickly jump to my trusty Internet site, that verifies rumors, and it states whether they are true or false. Turns out that what the President said was false and was actually a satire by the comedian John Stewart. It’s sort of like watching the Saturday Night Live news and thinking it is real. Yes, Chevy Chase is not a real news anchor. (showing my age here)

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I’m a big fan of first person shooter (FPS) games. To break it down further, I’m a big fan of FPS games with objectives. They all started with your basic deathmatch and capture the flag modes, but the latest generation of consoles have enjoyed new modes carried over from PC shooters or new creations from the developers.  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (BFBC2), developed by DICE, has the objective modes that I enjoy and more. It also has the graphics and sound that can immerse you into a battle, if you have the right HDTV and sound system. Even if you are not the latest cinema geek, you will still have a blast online with BFBC2.

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